Find a grant

Find a grant is a service that allows you to search government grants.

You can use this service to:

  • access government grant funding
  • search and filter to find a grant that matches your needs
  • find out if you are eligible to apply for a grant
  • find out how to apply for a grant

Find government grants and check if you are eligible to apply.

Browse all grants

See a list of all grants. You can filter the list based on your needs.

Browse grants

The future of Find a grant

More grants will be added as we develop our service. We will also add new functionality to make it easier to use.

Funded by UK Government banner

When you see this logo, it means that a project has been funded with UK taxpayer money.

Manage notifications

See all the grant updates you have signed up for. You can unsubscribe here too.

Manage notifications and saved searches

Sign in and apply

See your grant applications or start a new one.

Sign in and apply

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