ARIA Activation Partners

ARIA is an R&D funding agency built to unlock scientific and technological breakthroughs that benefit everyone. We empower scientists and engineers to pursue research at the edge of what is technologically or scientifically possible. We reach across disciplines, sectors and institutions to shape, fund and manage projects across the R&D ecosystem, from startups to universities, to break down silos and discover new pathways. We're looking for proposals for Activation Partners who will unlock latent ideas, empower talent, support new ventures, and provide insights and connectivity across our opportunity spaces. For more info see

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Scientific breakthroughs alone won’t lead to impact, this is why we’re embedding science entrepreneurship into all that we do – from how we recruit our Programme Directors to our funding terms.

We’re now looking for Activation Partners to help catalyse entrepreneurial talent and venture creation across our opportunity spaces.Activation Partners will unlock latent ideas, empower talent, support new ventures, and provide insights and connectivity across our opportunity spaces.

Success will be about more than just deliverables, partners will work alongside us to foster a culture of innovation that propels our opportunity spaces, and therefore the UK, towards massive social and economic impact.

What we’re looking for

We don’t have preconceptions about the types of organisation we’ll work with or highly structured plans for what they’ll do – the shape of these partnerships will be driven by the creativity, imagination, instincts and experience of our selected partners.You can be a nonprofit, startup, fellowship programme, deeptech investor, incubator/accelerator, venture creator, or something else entirely. Above all, we’re looking for partners with a deeply technical focus, an appetite for the highly speculative and a commitment to operating as founder and scientist friendly.

For more information, see ARIA's webiste here.


Eligibility crtieria can be found in the RFP documents on ARIA's website here.


See ARIA website for more detail here.


Detailed timelines can be found in the programme call information on ARIAs website. The application process consists of two stages:

  • Submission of a initial proposals (2 pages) - organisations shortlisted based on their initial proposals will be invited to discuss and refine their approach before submitting a full proposal.

         The deadline for submission of initial proposals is 29 May 2004 (14:00 BST).

  • Submission of a full  proposal - the deadline for submission of proposals is 19 July 2024 (14:00 BST).

You can submit a full proposal even if you did not submit an initial proposal or you are not shortlisted for discussion.

How to apply

See ARIA website for more detail here.

Supporting information

The total funding value is the estimated budget available. We expect to fund multiple applicants.

Funding is anticipated to be award via both contracts and grants. 

Additional funding, scope and duration could be added to any contracts awarded.