Bristol Impact Fund 3

The overall goal for the Bristol Impact Fund 3 is: ‘To grow the power of communities experiencing the greatest inequity’.

  • Opening date: (Midday)
  • Closing date: (Midday)

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The Bristol Impact Fund has been developed with the community and voluntary sector. By prioritising neighbourhood organisations and citywide equalities communities, it funds approaches that build capacity and cohesion. This means developing the skills, knowledge, connections and confidence of communities and encouraging them to come together and take a lead. By putting resources into the hands of communities and supporting them to make connections and harness their skills and knowledge, they become more resilient and cohesive. Resilience means being better able to survive and thrive for the long term, through challenging times. Cohesive communities foster inclusion and a sense of belonging, where people from different backgrounds and life experiences connect with each other and participate freely in community and civic life. This approach ultimately grows the power of communities.


The criteria below tells you if your organisation is eligible to apply.

Making sure your organisation is eligible before you apply saves you time.

It also means time and money are not spent processing applications from organisations that are not eligible.

Eligibility criteria for Bristol Impact Fund 3

The Bristol Impact Fund is open to applications from voluntary and community sector and Social Enterprise organisations that have one or more of the following structures or forms. Before you start to complete the application you should check that at least one of the structures below applies to your organisation.

• Registered charity

• Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by guarantee

• Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by share (schedule 2 with 100% asset lock)

• Company limited by guarantee

• Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

• Community benefit company registered as a registered Society or Community Benefit Society

• Unincorporated body with a bank account The Bristol Impact Fund is open to applications from voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations which meet the specified criteria.

Before you start to complete the application you should ensure that all the statements below apply to your organisation. 

• Your organisation is already based in or delivering services in Bristol (it already has an established presence in Bristol and the work your organisation does is for the benefit of Bristol people).

• Your organisation is non-governmental.

• Your organisation is constituted (it has a governing document – a set of rules - either constitution or a Memorandum and Articles of Association).

• Your organisation has a set of objectives that allows it to undertake the activities you are proposing. (The constitution must allow your organisation to undertake the activities you are requesting funding for).

• Your organisation is value driven, for the social good.

• Your organisation is non-party political.

• Your organisation has at least three trustees or directors or management committee members (who are not related to each other and are not paid shareholders).

• Your organisation reinvests any financial surpluses to further objectives that bring a significant community benefit to Bristol.

• Your organisation is ‘not for profit’: it does not distribute any of its surpluses or assets through share dividends to individuals or shareholders.

• Your organisation has a bank account in its own name.

• Cheques and other payments (of over £100) have to be authorised by two signatories who are not related and do not live together. 

If you are unable to answer “Yes” to all the above statements, your organisation is unfortunately ineligible for a grant from the Bristol Impact Fund. Local Priority We will prioritise local organisations (organisations that are registered in Bristol – by which we mean that their main base or headquarters are in Bristol - and have at least 3 trustees who are residents of the Bristol area) but we will consider applications from non-local organisations which meet the eligibility criteria and which bring specialist expertise to the city.


Impact 1 (Community): More resilient, inclusive and connected communities

Impact 2 (Individual): People are empowered to make decisions and take actionWhat this looks like:

Impact 3 (VCSE sector): Stronger, more resilient voluntary and community organisations

Impact 4: (Policy/decision-maker): City decision-making is influenced through community involvement


Opening date: 18 March - Midday

Closing date: 10 June - Midday

How to apply

You can apply for the Bristol Impact Fund 3 using the Find a Grant system by clicking 'Start new application'.

Resources to help you complete the application are found here: Grants for voluntary and community organisations