Bus Operator Accessible Information Regulation Support Grant (Extended Application Period)

Accessible Information Grant. This grant supports small bus operators to provide audible and visible information consistent with the Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information Regulations) 2023. This is for applications from 4th June 2024 onwards

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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The grant allows a small bus operator to procure and/or install products (such as audible speakers and hearing loop, visual display screens and supporting infrastructure) to provide audible and visible information onboard the vehicle, and/or for purposes of maintenance for a period of one year from the installation of said products. 

Where an operator has partially compliant vehicle, for example audible speakers and visual display screens but no hearing loop, a grant application can be made to make the overall system compliant by the addition of a hearing loop.

The grant will fund equipment of a specification that is the minimum required to meet the regulations. This does not preclude an operator purchasing equipment of a higher specification but the grant will not cover the additional costs of the higher specification equipment. For example, an operator may choose to install TFT displays in-vehicle; the grant would only fund the installation of LED displays - with the cost difference being met be the operator.Where higher specification equipment is being purchased by the operator, the operator should obtain quotes from suppliers that show the cost for the minimum specification of equipment and the additional cost for the higher specification, and provide this to RTIG through the application process.The base specification costs will be benchmarked against costs from other applications for similar vehicle types to ensure that value for money is being achieved.Funding for the process from 4th June 2024 will be on a first come first approved basis until the grant is fully allocated. 

An operator receiving the grant will be required to :

  1. Maintain any facility funded directly or indirectly through the scheme, in good working order - including undertaking repairs or maintenance promptly, and ensuring that any required data updates are carried out so that provision remains accessible.

  2. Continue to use and maintain the product(s) or facility (facilities) procured using the funding for a period of at least five years - transferring products between vehicles, if necessary, to ensure their continued use within the fleet.

  3. Ensure that the information provided onboard any vehicle which receives grant funding is consistent with the requirements of the Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information) Regulations 2023 on each scheduled journey that the vehicle makes, except where temporary unforeseeable failures make this impossible.


To be eligible for the grant, an operator must on 8 April 2024 run a local service vehicle in England, Scotland, or Wales and:

1. Have 20 or fewer in-scope public service vehicles (exclusive of vehicles used for public services out of scope of the regulations)and:

a. Not hold operating licences for more than 20 in scope vehicles.

b. Not be a subsidiary or sister company of an operator with 21 or more in scope public service vehicles

2. An operator can apply for funding for up to 20 vehicles. Each vehicle must:

a. Be used on local services

b. Be designed to carry 17 or more seated passengers

c. Not already provide both audible and visible information onboard for any of the following: (i) next stop, (ii) route or (iii) direction

3. Applications must come directly from the operator which is applying for the funding.


The grant is designed to support the smallest operators with the cost of procuring and/or install products (such as audible speakers and hearing loop, visual display screens and supporting infrastructure) to provide audible and visible information onboard the vehicle to meet the requirements of the Public Service Vehicles (Accessible Information Regulations) 2023.


This application form is for applications after 4th June 2024.

This application process superceeds the original process which was available from 8th April 2024 and closed on 3rd June 2024 23:59.

Decisions on success will me made on a rolling basis until the grant is fully commited.

How to apply

The grant application form, subsidy control document and advice on the application can be obtained from:https://rtig.org.uk/aig/apply Applications for the grant need to be submitted using the application questionnaire at:https://find-government-grants.service.gov.uk/apply/applicant/mandatory-questions/start?schemeId=674

Supporting information

More information about the regulations can be found athttps://www.rtig.org.uk/aigThe reqired forms and details about the grant are available on this page:https://rtig.org.uk/aig/applyIf you have any questions about the grant or process please email: aig@rtig.org.uk