Child National Referral Mechanism Pilot (Devolved Decision Making)

Early Market Awareness and Engagement Event to scope and evaluate interest from local authorities with responsibility for children’s social care, and in Northern Ireland, the Health and Social Care Trusts who hold responsibility for children’s social care, to participate in the Devolved Decision-Making for Child Victims of Modern Slavery Pilot (the pilot). For the purposes of this document, all future reference to local authorities assumes the inclusion of Northern Ireland’s comparable body, the Health and Social Care Trusts. Please note that a nominal value of £2 has been entered to allow the market engagement advert to be published. The actual value of the grant has yet to be decided. In addition the link provided on 'How to Apply' is for information purposes only.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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·       Early Market Awareness and Engagement Event to scope and evaluate interest from local authorities with responsibility for children’s social care, and in Northern Ireland, the Health and Social Care Trusts who hold responsibility for children’s social care, to participate in the Devolved Decision-Making for Child Victims of Modern Slavery Pilot (the pilot). For the purposes of this document, all future reference to local authorities assumes the inclusion of Northern Ireland’s comparable body, the Health and Social Care Trusts.

Those who are eligible  - Local authorities in the United Kingdom with responsibiliy for children's social care, who are not already operating within the existing pilot.

·       The pilot tests devolving the responsibility to make National Referral Mechanism (NRM) decisions for child victims of modern slavery from the Home Office to local authorities (either individual local authorities or local authorities acting together as a consortium) through multi-agency decision-making panels involving the core safeguarding partners – police, health, and local authority, at a minimum. The Awareness and Engagement Event will be an opportunity for interested local authorities to learn more about devolved decision-making and how it currently operates within the pilot, and the potential to participate in the future.

·       The NRM refers to the UK’s framework for proactively identifying victims of modern slavery. The pilot looks to test devolving the responsibility of decision-making locally, rather than being taken by an SCA decision-maker. You can find out more information about modern slavery here: Modern slavery: how to identify and support victims - GOV.UK (

·       For the avoidance of doubt, engaging with the Authority does not constitute an offer or promise to expand the pilot to further sites or award a grant to participating sites. The event will support in scoping and shaping any potential future requirement, and exploring options available. An informed decision on whether the pilot will continue and expand or not will be dependent on further exploration, ministerial and budgetary approvals and the Authority’s internal governance process for grants.

  • The pilot’s Awareness and Engagement Event is likely to take place in early November. Interested parties will be given the exact date of the event once they have registered interest with the Home Office.

·       Published guidance on the how the pilot operates, including details of the areas where the pilot is currently operating, can be found here: Piloting devolving decision making for child victims of modern slavery - GOV.UK (


The Home Office (HO) would welcome from local authorities as outlined below, who are not currently already operating within the current pilot:

  • Areas we are particularly interested in targeting include:

  • High priority areas

  • Northern Ireland

  • England – East Anglia, the North East, and the North West

  • Medium priority areas

  • Scotland

  • England – East Midlands, South East, West Midlands

  • Areas interested in undertaking a regional, consortium-style of decision-making.

  • This does not preclude other areas from attending the Awareness and Engagement Event.

  • Only individuals from local authorities (or individuals who would be able to organise a consortium approach or regional approach to devolved decision-making) are eligible to attend the Awareness and Engagement Event.

  • We will not be looking for further pilot sites in Greater London at this time.

Organisations will be required to participate in the Engagement and Awareness Event, bringing their experience and expertise to actively engage in discussions. We are keen for attendees to reflect on existing safeguarding arrangements and multi-agency partnership working in their local areas and consider how devolved decision-making might operate within those structures. Further information will be made available about devolved decision-making in the event, and an insight into how other areas have approached devolved decision-making will be exhibited.

We welcome participation in the Awareness and Engagement Event from organisations based in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


All known details have been provided in the grant description.


Please be aware that the closing date for expressing an interest in attending the market engagement event is Sunday 3rd November 2024.

How to apply

Please register your interest in attending this Awareness and Engagement Event by e-mailing with the following information:

Your full name

Your contact e-mail address

The local authority/ies or Health and Social Care Trust you are connected to

Your role / job title

An alternative contact (in case of unexpected leave)

Supporting information