Met Office CSSP Brazil Grant Funding FY25/26

Launched in 2016, the Climate Science for Service Partnership Brazil (CSSP Brazil) is a research project that aims to build strong partnerships between research institutes in the UK and Brazil. CSSP Brazil produces collaborative science that is fundamental to the development of climate services that support climate-resilient economic development and social welfare. The project provides grants to support researchers from the UK climate science community in their work with Brazilian research institutes.

  • Opening date:
  • Closing date: (Midday)

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Please see attached ITT documents published via ProContract

DN reference: DN761175


The following criteria must be met in order for a Bid to be eligible for a Grant Award:

(a)        The Bidder must be an organisation operating and registered in the United Kingdom.

(b)        The Bid must demonstrate how it contributes to the Met Office’s funding aim to develop science and innovation partnerships.

(c)          The Bid must demonstrate ODA compliance.

(d)        The Bid does not cover activities in relation to which the Bidder has received, or will receive, external funding.

(e)        There must be an In Country economic and societal benefit to which must be demonstrated.

(f)         The proposed Grant Activities in a Bid will last the full duration of the Grant Period.

(g)        The Bidder must be willing and able to work with Met Office and other organisations and individuals associated with the WCSSP Programme, including by attending meetings and other collaborative events.

Multiple Bids can be submitted from a single organisation where they are led by different academic departments.

Bidders are not expected to have pre-existing In Country Partners to respond to this call. The bilateral partnership nature of the WCSSP Programme means that effort by in-country researchers is supported by our existing In Country partners as standard. In country partners are currently: National Institute for Space Research (INPE), National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA) and the National Centre for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (CEMADEN).


Please see ITT documents published on ProContract

DN reference: DN761175


Closing date: Friday 28th March 2025, 12pm noon

How to apply

Documents will be published via ProContract

DN reference: DN761175

Supporting information