Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk

We give grants towards the repair and conservation of listed buildings, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens. This includes project development actions which enable repair or improved future management. Our grants under this scheme are intended to reduce the risk faced by some of the most significant historic sites in England, as shown on the Heritage at Risk Register. We focus our grants on those sites which are most in need of repair and where, without our grant, a project would not be able to go ahead. This scheme was formerly called Grants for Historic Buildings, Monuments and Designed Landscapes.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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We give grants towards the repair and conservation of listed buildings, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens.  This includes project development actions as a basis for repair or future management.  Our grants under this scheme are intendedto reduce the risk faced by some of the most significant historic sites in England, as shown on our Heritage at Risk Register. We focus our grants on those sites which are most in need of repair and where, without our grant, a project would not be able to go ahead.

Our grants are primarily for urgent repairs or other work required to address risk by preventing loss of or damage to important architectural,archaeological or landscape features. The outcome of every project should be the protection of the significance of the site or to enable such protection to happen.  „„„„Our local offices handle applications to this grant scheme. We strongly recommend that you contact the relevant local office to discuss your project before you make an application.


Applicants must be the individuals or organisations who have legal responsibility for the repair of the property. If we offer a grant, weneed to know that you have the authority to carry out the project and that you will be able to meet the grant conditions. These include conditions that will continue to apply for a period of time after your project is complete.

You will normally need to own the property outright or hold a full repairing lease which has at least 21 years to run. If you do not own the property at present but plan to take it on, we can consider an application from you if you can demonstrate that you have an agreement to acquire the property in question either outrightor by a full repairing lease of at least 21 years.

Please see the Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk Guidance for Applicants on the Historic England website for information on what types of assets are eligible and what are priorities are.


We are not always able to offer a grant to every eligible project in need of grant. We have therefore identified priorities for grant. We review these periodically to make sure that we are responding to the changing needs of the historic environment. You can find information about our priorities on our website: to our priorities is Heritage at Risk. You can find information on our website about the Heritage at Risk preparing your application, you should think carefully about whether your project meets our priorities for grant. Please contact your local office at an early stage.


This scheme is open indefinitely and has no end date.  Therefore you do not need to apply before the 31st March 2025 deadline shown on this advert.  You can apply for this grant at any time during the year.

How to apply

Applications must be sent to the local office that covers where you live.  We aim to tell you our decision within six months of receiving a complete application. Complex or large projects may take longer to assess, so we advise you to contact us as early as possible when planning your project. Please note we will not grant-aid any work done before we have made a grant offer and you have accepted it.We test all applications to check whether they meet the published criteria for the grant scheme. For those that do, we then assess:

  • the work which is needed

  • how best the project would be carried out to achieve the necessary outcomes

  • the amount of grant needed

We are not always able to offer a grant to every eligible project. We therefore also gauge how well projects meet our grant priorities.

Supporting information

Guidance and information, as well as the application form, is available on the Historic England website at