Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Schools 2025/2026

The Department for Education (DfE) are pleased to announce that the Schools Water Strategy is now inviting applications for the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in schools Grant Scheme. The aim of the SuDS in Schools project is the reduction of surface water risk in the school estate. This is a match funded scheme and therefore, at the DfE’s discretion and where the scheme criteria allow, the DfE can fund up to 50% of the total project costs. The full application guidance, set out below, provides details of the eligibility criteria, project objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and how to apply, alongside dates and supporting information.

  • Opening date:
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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The Department for Education (DfE) is looking to work with delivery providers to reduce the risk of surface water flooding in the school estate, these solutions may also reduce the strain on local drainage networks. The DfE will consider grant funding contributions towards small, medium and large Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) projects as defined below: 

  • Small schemes e.g. a range of small, medium and large planters.

  • Medium schemes e.g. a range of planters, small sized rain gardens and tree pits. 

  • Large schemes e.g. a range planters, tree pits, swales/detention basin and a range of medium to large rain gardens.

Please note: Please review section A in the Supporting Information for full category details. The list provided above is not exhaustive but serves to provide an indication of the types of schemes this grant would be eligible for. Please note not all the measures listed under each category need to be included in each design, the list is indicative only and the design should comprise of the best solution to meet the site needs. 

The DfE contribution will vary depending on the SuDS categories installed on the school estate. 

The DfE are welcoming applications from delivery providers either as a stand-alone SuDS project or as part of a wider set of works. Please note, the DfE will only fund the SuDS related aspect of the project. As the schemes can be complex to manage in terms of technicality and reporting requirements (see KPI’s stated in section C  in the Supporting Information), individual schools that are considering submitting a standalone bid are encouraged to speak with their Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), local water company or relevant non-profit organisation to establish if they are submitting a larger bid and seek to join their bid.

Applicants will be required to provide an outline programme of work as part of the application form.

As part of the application, the DfE require applicants to submit a list of schools they are planning to install SuDS features in. This list must include the school(s):

  • URN.

  • Name, and

  • Postcode. 

The above information for each school can be found on Get Information About Schools

Funding for the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in schools Grant Scheme is subject to approval in the 2025 Government Budget. If funding is not secured in the 2025 Budget, then the SuDS Grant Scheme application may be withdrawn, DfE reserves the right to terminate the application process at any stage prior to grant signature. The Schools Water Strategy team will endeavour to notify applicants as soon as possible in the event that funding is not secured and/or the application is withdrawn.

Application Process

There are 6 stages involved in the application process. They are as follows:

  1. The SuDS applications will initially be sifted against the mandatory selection criteria.

  2.  If the application meets the mandatory selection criteria the discretionary exclusion questions will be reviewed. 

  3. If the application meets the mandatory selection criteria and the discretionary exclusion questions are acceptable, your application will progress to be assessed against the award criteria. 

  4. Applications that have progressed through to the award criteria stage will be moderated.  

  5. Post moderation, successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the outcome and the funding they have been awarded, if successful. 

  6. Draft grant agreements will be shared with successful applicants, please note this may require further information and will need to be provided in a timely manner.

Please see the criteria definitions below:

Mandatory Selection Criteria

  • The applicant must be within the scope of eligible delivery providers for the SuDS in school project (as listed under the eligibility section).

  • The application is for both the design and construction of the SuDS in school project.

  • The maximum duration of the SuDS project does not exceed 3 years.

  • None of the schools within your delivery list are scheduled to be rebuilt within the next 3-5 years. Please review your school list against the School Rebuilding Programme schools list (SRP) (an inhouse check will be conducted. This check might affect your bid, as submitted schools on the SRP list will be removed before assessing your bid). 

  • Applicants agree to the standard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as shown in Section C  in Supporting Information.   

  • Applicants confirm that they will match fund the SuDS project to a minimum of 50% of the total SuDS project costs (see section D - Match Funding Requirement in Supporting Information).  

  • Applicants understand and confirm that they accept the DfE’s general Grant Funding Agreement Terms & Conditions including the payment in arrears requirement (see section B in Supporting Information) Grant Terms and Conditions

  • Applicants confirm that they will be delivering an educational session, e.g. lesson, presentation, school assemblies, workshops etc. on the SuDS features installed to the school as part of the project output.

  • Applicants confirm they have not been convicted of any crime listed in the Public Procurement: Mandatory Exclusion Grounds. Annex_C_Exclusion_Grounds.pdf (

If you do not pass the mandatory selection criteria section, your application will be automatically declined and will not be assessed against the Award Criteria.

Discretionary Exclusion Questions 

If you do not pass any questions in this section, further evidence will be required and at the DfE’s discretion your application may not process to be assessed against the award criteria. 

Award Criteria 

DfE assessors will evaluate each applicants bid using the information contained within the application only and award each application an overall score. 

Applications can secure an overall score of 100% which is broken down into:

  • Surface Water Flood History  - 32.5%

  • Benefits  - 32.5%

  • Costs   - 20%

  • Project Stage   - 10%

  • Number of schools within the scheme/application   - 5%

Please note that the criteria all have individual weightings relating to the score given for that criterion, the higher the weighting percentage the greater criterion importance and therefore the greater the contribution to the overall score achieved.  

  • Surface Water Flood History 

The surface water flood history accounts for 32.5% of the overall available score. Surface water flooding is also known as pluvial flooding. It occurs when the volume of rainfall exceeds the capacity of drains and surface water sewers and is unable to drain away through drainage systems or soak into the land, and instead flows over the land. The intensity of this flooding can be increased by blocked road gullies, drains and sewers, saturated and waterlogged land, and an increase in hard surfaces.

You are required to specify if any of the schools within your application list have suffered any previous surface water flooding which could include damage to the building and/ or pupils being unable to learn in their school environment. 

If you have stated on the DfE SuDS in Schools Grant Funding Application for the 25/26 FY question form that any of the schools within your delivery list have surface water flood history, you will be required to provide evidence of this to  when submitting the question form or by 17:00 on Monday 18 November 2024 at the latest. The type of evidence that can be submitted, may include but is not limited to:

  • Testimonial from the Head Teacher

  • Photographic or video evidence showcasing the flooding at the school

  • Flooding incident report

  • Invoices for flooding remedial works

  • Insurance claims in relation to surface water flooding

  • Newspaper articles in relation to surface water flooding.

Failure to provide the required evidence to substantiate any claims of surface water flood history or falsification of evidence could result in your application being voided. 

  • Benefits

The benefit criterion accounts for 32.5% of the overall available score. This criterion is assessing the expected value of cost avoidance achieved through the delivery of the SuDS. This includes the expected cost avoided from both direct (property damage and business interruption) and indirect damages (lost learning). The assessment takes account the risk of the school building flooding (according to Environment Agency surface water modelling based on flood extent), along with the size of the building and the number of pupils protected, as well as the level of protection the scheme is meant to provide. The more ‘at risk’ the schools you include in your bid are, and the higher level of protection you offer e.g. 1:30 or above, the higher you will score.

Please refer to the Annex 1 document attached for examples of how to identify surface water flood risk. 

  • Cost

The cost criterion accounts for 20% of the overall available score. This criterion assesses what the average funding request per school in your bid is. The lower the overall average funding request per school, the better you will score in this section. Please note the cost criteria only accounts for 20% of the total award criteria and there is a higher focus on Value for Money (VfM) of the schemes being proposed, with greater emphasis on flood history and benefits of the solution.

  • Project stage

The project stage accounts for 10% of the overall available score. This criterion considers the current stage of your project and points are awarded based on the stage. If you are submitting a bid to install SuDS features across multiple schools, you will need to specify the project stage that applies to each of the schools when completing the DfE SuDS in Schools Grant Funding Application for the 25/26 FY question form. 

More points are awarded the further along the stage the scheme is at i.e. stage 1 has the lowest points awarded and stage 5 has the highest points awarded. The stages are:

  1. Stage 1 - Initial idea: 

For projects in this stage, applicants are declaring that no external work, i.e., planning, school engagement, procurement, designs and/or construction has commenced on the proposed project. This is only an internal idea within the applicant’s area.

  1. Stage 2 - Feasibility Assessment stage:

For projects in this stage, applicants are declaring that they have begun initial discussions in determining the feasibility of the SuDS project on each school. The expectation is that activities such as, school engagement, feasibility studies and initial surveys have been completed or commissioned. 

  1. Stage 3 - Concept Design Stage:

For projects in this stage, applicants are declaring that initial design work has begun. The expectation is that activities such as surveys and modelling alongside initial designs have been completed. 

  1. Stage 4 - Detailed Design Stage:

For projects in this stage, applicants are declaring that substantial project final technical design works have been commissioned or are in progress and all the key stakeholders, including the school have been engaged in the design discussion.Please review section B (KPIs) in the supporting information below, to ensure you would be able to meet the design KPIs, i.e. 2 and3, as you might need to comply with some additional requirements if your application is successful. 

  1. Stage 5 - Pre-construction Stage:

For projects in this stage, applicants are declaring that the design phase of the project is completed, and the project is currently preparing towards construction. The expectation is that school engagement, surveys, data modelling, and final technical designs are complete, and any tender activity is fully prepared to launch once funding has been confirmed. 

Please review section B (KPIs) in the supporting information below, to ensure you would be able to meet the KPIs, as you may need to comply with some additional requirements if your application is successful. 

  • Number of schools within the scheme/application.

This criterion accounts for 5% of the overall available score. An evaluation will be done based on the number of schools within your scheme/application and points will be awarded accordingly. The more schools, the more points will be awarded.

The DfE still welcome applications from individual schools, however, as the DfE are looking to maximise the number of schools delivered via the grant funding scheme, individual schools that are considering to submit a standalone bid are encouraged to speak with their Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), local water company or relevant non-profit organisation to establish if they are submitting a larger bid and seek to join their bid. You can search for your relevant LLFA via Find your local council. You will need to do an online search for your local water company and relevant non-profit organisation. 

Application Costs

The DfE will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any applicants or the applicant's team or any other person in connection with the application process, including (but not limited to) the preparation and submission of the application, nor will the DfE or any of its officers, Ministers, employees, agents or advisors will be liable in any way to any applicants, any member of the applicant's team or any other person for any costs, expenses or losses incurred by any applicants, any member of the applicant's team or any other person in connection with this application process, including (but not limited to) where the application process is cancelled or amended or the DfE otherwise decides not to award any Grant Funding Agreements pursuant to the application process.


The Department for Education (DfE) SuDS in schools project is an invest to save initiative, aimed at installing SuDS features in the school estate to help mitigate the risk of surface water flooding.

You can apply for the SuDS in Schools grant funding if you are*:

  •  A Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA).

  •  A Water Company.

  • A Non-Profit Organisation. 

  • State Funded School (Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Alternative Provisions) in England.

 *All eligible delivery providers and project contributors will be subject to DfE’s due diligence checks prior to acceptance.


The department will be supporting delivery providers in developing their SuDS for Schools programme by collaborating with schools at risk. The SuDS programme delivers several benefits, such as:

  • reduction of water entering the sewer system to reduce the risk of systems being overwhelmed and flooding the school,  

  • reduction of risk of the school flooding from surface water, 

  • improved customer engagement, and

  • education of communities on sustainable water management.  

These benefits align with the departments targets to reduce the risk of flooding within schools.  

Delivery providers shall use all reasonable endeavours to achieve the following objectives:

  •  To reduce the surface water risk on school sites.

  • To provide educational benefits on sustainability and climate change,

  • To increase biodiversity on school sites through blue or green infrastructure, and

  • Successfully project manage the design and installation of agreed SuDS features on the school site.

Delivery of the SuDS in Schools project will be delivered in two phases.

  •  design of the SuDS features in line with the individual school requirements, and   

  •  installation of the agreed SuDS features.

Please Note: Both stages need to be completed before the full grant payment can be issued.


Applications will open on Monday 23rd September 2024 and close on Monday 4th November 2024 (6 weeks).

Applications will be received up to the time and date stated. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their application is submitted before the closing date and time.

The application assessment will conclude in January/ February 2025. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application at the latest by 31st March 2025. This timeframe for assessment and award is indicative and subject to change, as it is dependent on the volume of applications received.

How to apply

Please complete the accompanying Department for Education SuDS in Schools Grant Funding Application for the 25/26 Financial Year (FY) form:

Further information and prompts have been provided for each question. Some sections will require accompanying text to support your response and have stated word limits. Please ensure that you adhere to these, as your response beyond the word limit may not be considered.

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that they understand the application process.  If any information is unclear or if an applicant considers that there is insufficient information or they have issued accessing the form, please contact

A separate Microsoft questions form has been created for applicants to submit any queries they might have regarding the application process. The link can be accessed here - SuDS Application Applicant's Questions Form.  

Current Questions and Answers:

Q1: Can you make separate applications for different categories?

A1:  No, if you are applying to deliver SuDS in more than one school, and if the SuDS categories vary per school, please group the schools together in a single application and provide the information requested for within the award criteria section for each of the schools.

 Q2: What schools are you looking at being accepted, is it down to the %ile for Site and Building?

A2: All State Funded Schools (Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Alternative Provisions) in England are eligible to apply or be put forward for the grant. All applications will be assessed against set mandatory questions and award criteria, including the weighting of and how each criterion will be scored, this is thoroughly detailed in the Find a Grant advert. Please review the advert in full and if you have questions regarding certain criteria, please let us know.

 Q3: How can I access the ‘Discretionary Exclusion Questions’?

A3: The discretionary exclusion questions are within the Department for Education SuDS in Schools Grant Funding Application for the 25/26 Financial Year (FY) form under the ‘How to apply’ heading on find a grant. It’s a section on the application form, that appears automatically after successfully passing the mandatory selection criteria questions.

 Q4: How detailed are any modelling requirements and are they proportionate to the interventions proposed? Small Rain Gardens, Planters and Water Butts aren't usually modelled due to the lower outputs.

A4: Yes, the modelling requirements can be proportionate to the SuDS interventions proposed, however, as per KPI 3, we will require a confirmation from a certified professional confirming the design/proposed SuDS interventions will deliver the level of protection stipulated (for example 1:5. 1:10, 1:30. 1:100-year flood event. As per the guidance this information will be used to assess your application.

Supporting information

Section A: SuDS scheme types 

 Please see a suggested list of SuDS measures which could be installed for each scheme type in Table 1 (SuDS Categories) , please use this to best inform your answer to SuDS category questions. The measures installed will depend on detailed design and therefore the DfE understand these are subject to change. Please note not all the measures listed under each category need to be included in each design, the list is indicative only and the design should comprise of the best solution to meet the site needs. If your project might be a combination of the scheme referenced in Table 1 (SuDS Categories) ,  please pick the SuDS scheme that best describes the type of SuDS installation.

 In addition, you are required to state the level of protection the SuDS features are or will be designed to protect against. The expectation is that the SuDS project is designed to protect against a 1 in 30 year flooding event, i.e. 3.3% chance of flood each year, however, if your scheme is not designed to provide this level of protection, you will be able to specify the level of protection the SuDS features are designed to protect against i.e. 1:5, 1:10, 1:75, 1:100 or 1:1000 rainfall event.

 Evidence of this will be required as part of reporting against Key Performance Indicator (KPI 3), if your application is successful.

 See Table 1 (SuDS Categories) in the attached Annex 1 document.

 Section B:  Grant Terms and Conditions

 Please review the DfE general Grant Terms and Conditions, as confirmation of acceptance will be required in the DfE SuDS in Schools Grant Funding Application for the 25/26 FY question form.

 If your application is successful and you are awarded grant funding for the delivery of the SuDS in schools project, the grant funding can only be claimed in arrears (payment made after completion or a service or works) against the successful and completed delivery of the grant funding KPIs stated below. Payment in arrears is a mandatory Cabinet Office process for Government grant funding and as a mandatory criterion, applicants must comply with this requirement for their application to progress and be assessed against the award criteria.

 Section C : Project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

 Payment claims can only be made against certain KPI’s, these are:

  • The design KPI’s: KPI’s 2 & 3

  • The installation/construction KPI: KPI 6

 However, as a part of mandatory project governance, evidence is required to show all 7 KPI’s have been successfully delivered. 

 Key Performance Indicators List:

  •  KPI 1 - Provide evidence of school commitment to SuDS project

  •  KPI 2 - Provide evidence of data, modelling, surveys, and outline design of SuDS scheme for the school including the level of protection the SuDS solution will provide (for example 1:5, 1:10, 1:30, 1:100-year event).

  •  KPI 3 - Provide evidence of the detailed design, the schools agreement to the design (email) and a confirmation from a certified professional confirming the design will deliver the level of protection stipulated (for example 1:5, 1:10, 1:30, 1:100-year event). Consult with the DfE on the final design.

  • KPI 4 - Provide evidence of Tendering and contract(s) award to complete the works at the school

  •  KPI 5 - Project manage the installation of SuDS features at the school(s). Provide evidence that the installation has been completed in line with the agreed design.

  •  KPI 6 - Ensure the schools are educated on the maintenance processes of the installed SuDS features.

  •  KPI 7 - Provide evidence of maintenance plans for SuDS features.

Section D: Match Funding Requirement

This is a match funded scheme and therefore at the DfE’s discretion and where the scheme criteria allow, the Department can fund up to 50% of the total SuDS project costs. This means that the delivery provider will be required to match fund (i.e. contribute) the remaining balance to make up to the total funding amount needed.

If the total cost of the project reduces from your initial assessment, you must inform the DfE immediately as your grant award value will need to be re-assessed and the DfE retains the right to reduce their contribution accordingly.

It is important to note that the DfE SuDS contribution is capped based on the assessment of your bid and the type of SuDS you will be installing, i.e. SuDS Category. As such you may be awarded lower than 50% of the total project cost.

The delivery provider’s match funded contribution can be either directly from the applicant’s organisation or third-party contributors. If additional contributions are secured from third party contributors towards the project, the applicant is required to provide the name(s) of the of the third party, their company registration details (if a private organisation) or charity number(s) (if a Non-Profit organisation) and the monetary value of their contribution(s). Due to Government money laundering policies and grant governance, the DfE are unable to match fund against funding contributions from private individuals in the grant funding agreement.

Section E: Flood Risk

See the Flood Risk examples in the attached Annex 1 document.

 Information Sharing Across Government

All Central Government Departments and their Executive Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies are subject to control and reporting within Government. They report to the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury for all expenditure.

For these purposes, the Department may disclose within Government any of the Applicant’s documentation/information (including any that the applicant considers to be confidential and/or commercially sensitive such as specific bid information) submitted by the applicant to the DfE. Applicants taking part consent to these terms as part of the process.

Annex 1

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Annex 1.pdf (318 Kb)