UK Global Screen Fund: International Distribution (P&A Support)

Supporting UK films to reach international audiences.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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The International Distribution strand aims to grow exports and global demand for UK independent film by supporting the UK film industry to achieve measurable results which would not have been achievable without UKGSF support, including increasing:

  • the number and value of international sales of UK independent film;

  • international audiences for UK independent film

  • commercial returns for UK screen companies, rights holders and financiers

Having considered the most efficient way to achieve the above aims, the BFI considers it appropriate to streamline two of the previous forms of support by amalgamating and consolidating the festival and market launch support offered via the International Distribution funding strand in 2021-2022, and the support offered via the National Lottery-funded Film Export Fund.This type of festival launch support will continue to be offered going forward under the Festival Launch Support scheme which will be operated under the International Distribution strand of the UK Global Screen Fund.The International Distribution strand of the UK Global Screen Fund will therefore make three forms of support available:

  • Film Sales Support — awarded to a UK sales agent presenting a UK film to international buyers at international markets with the aim of securing international distribution deals

  • Festival Launch Support — awarded to either the UK producer or UK sales agent of a UK film, to support the launch of the film at an agreed film festival with the aim of increasing the film’s profile and sales

  • Prints & Advertising (P&A) Support — awarded to either the UK producer or UK sales agent of a UK film, to contribute towards the P&A costs of a grouping of international distributors, with the aim of increasing the film’s circulation, audience size and Box Office potential


P&A Support will help secure wider and higher profile cinema releases of live action and animated, fiction and documentary feature films that are capable of qualifying as ‘British’ films under the current definitions, including UK co-productions, and which otherwise qualify as an Eligible Film (as per the requirements set out in section 2 below). Eligible Films can be in any language, including English. We are looking to provide support for those Eligible Films that have clear appeal to identified international audiences, and strong potential for commercial success.P&A Costs are all of the marketing and technical costs associated with the theatrical release of a UK independent film in a given international territory, incurred by the local distributor. UKGSF P&A Support funding is available for certain eligible P&A Costs, as defined in the Eligible Costs list in Section 3 below.  This will enable UK independent films to:

  • secure better international release results by way of wider releases, higher admissions and increased press coverage;

  • encourage higher marketing spend, so that distributors can more effectively launch and promote UK independent films in international territories;

  • boost the competitiveness of UK producers and UK sales agents in the international independent film sales marketplace;

  • increase international consumer and industry recognition of the director, producer, cast and crew, so as to raise the international profile of UK creative individuals and help drive funding and pre-sales on future UK independent films;

  • secure better returns for rights holders and financiers from international release successes.


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