Workplace Charging Scheme for state-funded education institutions

Grant for eligible state-funded education institutes to provide support towards the costs of the purchase, installation and infrastructure of electric vehicle chargepoints.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date:

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This grant is for state-funded schools and education institutions to install electric vehicle chargepoint sockets at their site(s).    

You can get 75% off the cost to buy and install chargepoints up to a maximum of:   

  • £2500 per socket 

  • 40 sockets across all sites (this includes any applications made previously through the Workplace Charging Scheme)   

Successful applicants will receive a voucher that is valid for 180 days from the date of issue. The installation must be completed within this time.  

You must use an authorised installer to install eligible commercial chargepoints.  

Allowing public use of chargepoints

If you want to open your chargepoints to the public and charge for usage, you will need to ensure you comply with:


This grant is for state-funded schools and education institutions. Independent schools may apply for funding through the Workplace Charging Scheme.  

It is available in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If your institution is in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, it is not eligible.  

You must have:  

  • an existing or future need for charging an electric vehicle  

  • designated off-street parking facilities that are clearly associated with your premises (the parking may be used by customers, guests, visitors, staff or others)  

  • had a site survey done by an installer, who has confirmed that your site can support EV charging  

  • not have applied for a grant for the same chargepoint under the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets or any other grant scheme   

  • have the authority to apply for the Workplace Charging Scheme on behalf of your organisation  

Academy trusts  

Academy trusts can apply for up to the maximum of 40 sockets for each institution within the academy trust.


The aim of the scheme is to accelerate the uptake of electric chargepoints for state-funded education institutions.   

If you are planning to allow the chargepoints to be used by the public, please ensure you are considering this as part of a package of measures to encourage sustainable school travel, including active travel and public transport.


Funding is confirmed until 31 March 2026.   

The grant is open. The government reserves the right to end or change this grant scheme.   

If the grant ends or the grant amount changes, the government will:  

  • aim to provide 4 weeks’ notice  

  • honour claims made before any public announcement, subject to the grant criteria

How to apply

Before you begin your application, you should have a site survey with an authorised installer. They will make sure that the electrical capacity of the site can support the number of sockets that you want.  

You will need to:  

  • complete the online application form  

  • tell us that you are a school or education institution by giving us your ID, SEED or reference number  

  • apply using an email address domain that matches the email domain of your institution - for example, when applying for school 1:    

Multi academy trusts may apply for up to the maximum of 40 sockets for each school or institution within the trust. You should complete a separate application for each school or institution.   

We reserve the right to seek further information or documentary evidence from relevant parties in support of any individual claim.   

How to find your SEED or reference number  

England and Wales  

Schools and colleges in England and Wales registered at Get Information about Schools will find the establishment’s unique reference number (URN) in establishment details.    

Northern Ireland  

Schools in Northern Ireland registered at Department of Education Institution Search will find their institution reference number by searching their school's name on the site.  


Schools in Scotland listed at Parent Zone will find their SEED number by searching their school's name on the site.   


Complete the online application form.   

If you need help, please contact us:   

Please be aware that until you receive a unique voucher code, there is no guarantee that you will receive the grant.

Supporting information

If your application is successful, you will be given a voucher code that is valid for 180 days. The installation must be completed within this time.   

The installation of eligible commercial chargepoints must be completed by an authorised installer. You will need to give your installer your voucher code.   

Each site must:  

  • have a minimum power supply of 3kW to each individual socket that is not diminished by their simultaneous use  

  • have no more than one socket installed for each accessible parking space   

We will run audit checks. If any claim is found to be false, for example, if you have claimed for chargepoints that weren’t installed, payment will be refused or will have to be repaid.  

The placement, design and surrounding built environment of the chargepoint should take into account the diverse needs of users, including disabled people.

Consider using the British Standards Institute, Electric Vehicle Accessible Charging Specification (PAS 1899:2022) to install chargepoints in line with the core minimum and supplementary best practice requirements. A checklist of the core minimum requirements is available in Annex E of the BSI document.